Membership Committee News

Supporting Our Community

The Grindstone Cottage Owners Association (GCOA) board was established to act as a liaison between cottagers and Park management. To maintain this formal organization and cover its operating costs, the Membership Committee was formed. This committee ensures financial stability for essential activities, including the Annual General Meeting, the Grindstone Gazette newsletter, and various administrative expenses.

Membership Benefits

Over time, the board’s costs have evolved, with some costs eliminated and new ones added. Nevertheless, the Membership Committee strives to provide its members with maximum benefits. These benefits include:

  • A copy of the Grindstone Gazette
  • Boat launching privileges at Little Grindstone Harbour
  • Additional perks that contribute to the vibrant community

Join Us & Make a Difference

Membership fees are crucial forĀ supporting the board’s ongoing work and sustaining the benefits offered to members. By joining the GCOA, you help maintain our association’s ability to serve and enhance the Grindstone community. Become a member today and support our initiatives to benefit all cottagers and the park!

Recent Membership Committee News