The Grindstone Trails Committee is 100% Volunteer based, and does a truly amazing job of keeping our trails safe and clear for everyone to enjoy! The team was limited on some of the maintenance they were able to do over the summer due to the extremely dry conditions, but caught up once we saw some precipitation.

The Grindstone Trails Committee is 100% Volunteer based, and does a truly amazing job of keeping our trails safe and clear for everyone to enjoy! The team was limited on some of the maintenance they were able to do over the summer due to the extremely dry conditions, but caught up once we saw some precipitation.

As the winter months are upon us, our Trails Committee shifts gears and maintains the trails for our skiers and snowmobilers. This includes marking out the snow-pass trails and grooming local trails so they’re accessible for everyone! They’ve already been busy this winter clearing brush from on the Washow Bay trail as well as many other trails throughout the subdivisions. Over the Christmas/New Years break they will be busy continuing these efforts.

The trails committee in partnership with The COA and Parks have submitted an application to Trails Manitoba to take part in one of their grants. If approved – the Trails Committee will use the grant money to maintain and update current trails within the park, as well as begin developing a trail along the main gravel road from the warm up shelter at Mile 10 eventually to North Cliffs. This trail will be located along the powerlines and will piggyback on clearing that Hydro will be doing during Q1 of 2022. Snowmobilers, Skiers, Walkers and Snow Shoers will be able to use this new trail and safely access the warm up shack without having to use the road.

The Trails Committee is ALWAYS looking for more volunteers to join. If you’re interested in working to keep our park beautiful and expand our trails system or have any questions or concerns , please contact us at [email protected]